Verbs that Change Meaning in Gerund and Infinitive Form

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Verbs that Change Meaning in Gerund and Infinitive Form

Understand the difference between the ING or Gerund and TO or Infinitive forms of the verb with this exercise.

1 / 19

What does this sentence mean? The man stopped to talk to us.

2 / 19

What does this sentence mean? She went on running.

3 / 19

What does this sentence mean? In Australia, Pablo tried learning English, diving and surfboarding.

4 / 19

What does this sentence mean? The computer needs fixing.

5 / 19

What does this sentence mean? She stopped talking to me.

6 / 19

What does this sentence mean? When he took the job, he knew it meant travelling two hours a day.

7 / 19

What does this sentence mean? I remember eating ice-cream on the beach.

8 / 19

What does this sentence mean? I regret to tell you that we have no job vacancies at the moment.

9 / 19

What does this sentence mean? I regret telling him the news.

10 / 19

What does this sentence mean? The computer needs fixing.

11 / 19

What does this sentence mean? She needs to tie her shoe laces.

12 / 19

What does this sentence mean? Try to do it.

13 / 19

What does this sentence mean? I forgot to tell you.

14 / 19

What does this sentence mean? I remembered to post the letter.

15 / 19

What does this sentence mean? She went on to run in the marathon.

16 / 19

What does this sentence mean? She stopped working.

17 / 19

What does this sentence mean? He meant to make a cake.

18 / 19

What does this sentence mean? The car needs fixing.

19 / 19

What does this sentence mean? She stopped to work.

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