Verbs of the Senses + like / as if

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Verbs of the Senses + like / as if

Multiple-choice exercise
Complete the sentences with LOOK, SOUND, TASTE, FEEL, SMELL + LIKE or AS IF

1 / 41

Her face was white. She _______ she'd just seen a ghost.

2 / 41

What _______? He's a great guy. Kind, intelligent and funny.

3 / 41

I _____ tired. I'm going to go to bed now.

4 / 41

You ______ your father when he was your age.

5 / 41

Hmm! What's baking? It ______ a cake!

6 / 41

She failed the test because the teacher said it _______ she had copied my answers.

7 / 41

Have you ever eaten Baba Ghanoush? It ______ hummus.

8 / 41

I feel terrible. I feel ______ it's all my fault!

9 / 41

Is this song by Ariana Grande? It really _____ her.

10 / 41

Did you know that tasting chocolate is a professional job? All they have to do is ______ chocolate every day!

11 / 41

Is that fish still safe to eat? It _____ really bad.

12 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? Did you your hear that? It sounded like a car accident.

13 / 41

I'm sorry but I can't come to the party. Are you okay? You ______ really upset.

14 / 41

What _______? Tall, dark and handsome.

15 / 41

It ______ the meeting will be cancelled this afternoon.

16 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? It looked as she was really upset about something.

17 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? This chicken smells like disgusting.

18 / 41

I have never touched snow. What does it _____?

19 / 41

Use look/smell/sound/seem/feel/appears AS IF in…...

20 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? She looked as if she was about to explode in anger.

21 / 41

It sometimes seems ______ she thinks she's the only student in the class.

22 / 41

What did you think of him? Not much. He ______ an idiot to me.

23 / 41

You ______ you are very scared.

24 / 41

Are you ok? You _____ a bit depressed.

25 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? It seems as if I haven't got the job. They haven't called.

26 / 41

She's very beautiful. She _____ a model.

27 / 41

Are you feeling any better? You still _____ a bit sick.

28 / 41

This lemon cake tastes just _______ my mother's.

29 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? This pizza looks like really delicious.

30 / 41

She hasn't stopped smiling. It ______ she's in a very good mood today.

31 / 41

I think we should go inside. It _____ it's going to rain.

32 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? He seemed like quite upset about his results at school.

33 / 41

What's that music? It ______ Beethoven.

34 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? It smells as if chocolate.

35 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? I feel as if my English has really improved these last few weeks.

36 / 41

How do I look in this outfit? Does it make me ______ fat?

37 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? This lasagne is really good. It tastes just like my mother's!

38 / 41

Is this sentence right or wrong? It seems as though we can't go on holiday. All the flights have been cancelled.

39 / 41

__________ Paris? Oh wonderful! Very romantic.

40 / 41

If you _____ ill, you should go to the doctor.

41 / 41

How much is the online English course? 30 dollars. It _______ a very good deal to me.

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