Articles Exercise (a, an, the, no article) B1

Basic Grammar Rules: Articles (A / AN / THE / NO ARTICLE)

Use A / AN for: things / objects / places / people etc.  that are new to the listener or reader.

Example sentences:  1. There is book on a table. 2. I met a friend yesterday.

Use THE for: specific things / objects / places / people which are already known to the listener or reader.

Example sentences: 1. There is a book on a table.  The book is big.  2.  I met a friend at the party last night (In this sentence, the listener / reader already knows about the party).   3. I went to the cinema last night.  (Although there can be more than one cinema or hospital in a town or city, we generally use the before these words.)

Use NO ARTICLE (Zero Article)for generalisations and time phrases.  Generalising: When we are generalising in English, we use the plural form to talk about a group of things and no article is needed.  Example sentences: 1. Dogs are my favourite animal.  2. Cigarettes are bad for your health.  Time Phrases: We do not use a / an or the with time phrases such as next, last, etc.  Example sentences: 1. I went to a party last night. 2. Next month, I’m going on holiday.

The following exercise is a multiple-choice exercise.  Choose the article (a / an / the / no article) to complete the gaps in the sentences.

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Articles Exercise (a, an, the, no article) B1

Practise the articles in English with this exercise.

Use a, an, the, or __ (no article) to complete the sentences.

1 / 50

We get a takeaway about twice ____ month.

2 / 50

I always have ______ breakfast in _____ morning.

3 / 50

My brother is _____ chef. I think he is ___ best chef in the entire world.

4 / 50

I'm meeting some friends ______ Friday. We're going to the cinema.

5 / 50

My husband is going to buy _____ new car. He really likes _____ new model of the VW beetle.

6 / 50

I love ______ chocolate. It's my favourite junk food.

7 / 50

Don't use articles before time phrases (next month, last year, on Monday).

8 / 50

We go the cinema about _______ .

9 / 50

What's _______ best time of _____ year to visit Malta?

10 / 50

What time does ______ plane leave? At 10 a.m.

11 / 50

I love ______ holidays. Next month, we're going on __ camping holiday.

12 / 50

When are you going on holiday? ______ next month.

13 / 50

Yesterday, I met _____ old woman and her dog.

14 / 50

What _____ horrible weather!

15 / 50

I think that learning English is important for _______ success.

16 / 50

_____ world is a very large place.

17 / 50

Have you seen ______ new film at ______ cinema?

18 / 50

He has _____ huge family.

19 / 50

______ like shopping more than ______.

20 / 50

We don't use articles in English when we make general statements that mean everything in a category or group (all).

21 / 50

It was ____ interesting book. Perhaps, ___ most interesting book I have ever read.

22 / 50

We're going to _______ cinema tonight.

23 / 50

Do you like watching ______ videos to learn English?

24 / 50

I go to ______ school on the bus.

25 / 50

_____ money is not as important as ____ love.

26 / 50

It was _____ very good day.

27 / 50

This is ___ excellent exercise to practise the articles in English.

28 / 50

Is your dad ___ doctor?

29 / 50

It was _____ very good dinner. Thank you very much.

30 / 50

I love ______ plants and flowers. My living room is full of _______ plants.

31 / 50

What ___ lovely shirt! Thanks. I got it in _____ sales last month.

32 / 50

What time did you leave _____ work today?

33 / 50

________ are not here. They are at school.

34 / 50

______ are my favourite animal. But I love _______ too.

35 / 50

I left ______ home at 10 a.m. this morning.

36 / 50

We don't need to wear _____ uniform at work. They want us to wear our own clothes.

37 / 50

How often does she go to ______ gym? About 5 times ____ week.

38 / 50

This is ______ worst restaurant in this town!

39 / 50

Do you enjoy watching ______ sport?

40 / 50

I do ______ English exercises every day.

41 / 50

I arrived home very late every day ____ last week.

42 / 50

How many minutes are there in ____ hour?

43 / 50

I love ______ children but I don't like ______ children who live next door.

44 / 50

I'm not going to be at _____ home today. I'm going to be at ____ office.

45 / 50

I'm having _____ lunch at work today.

46 / 50

Did you close ___ windows of the car?

47 / 50

The moon goes round ____ Earth.

48 / 50

She is ______ nurse in the main hospital in our city.

49 / 50

Use AN before words that start with vowels (a,e, i, o, u).

50 / 50

We had ____ awful holiday ____ last month.

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  Each Other / One Another / OurselvesArticles Exercise (a, An, The, No Article) B1   


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